Stories of Wisdom, Stories of Healing - Rancho La Puerta
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Stories of Wisdom, Stories of Healing

Week of May 1, 2021

Come gather around the fireplace to hear storyteller and author Joel ben Izzy, who has spent his career traveling the globe, gathering and telling tales. He’ll be sharing some of his favorites with us, including stories of learning, light and laughter, taking us all on a journey, as we begin to find our own healing stories.

Workshop:  Finding and Telling Our Stories – 4 sessions
Each of us is rich in stories – when we find the time and place to tell them. Luckily, Rancho la Puerta is the perfect place and this week is the perfect time. Through fun exercises and stories, Joel will lead us on a relaxed, low-key journey to discover and tell our own stories. Though each day builds on the others, come for any and all – and find stories you did not know you knew.


It was back in 1983, after studying English, Creative Writing and Storytelling at Stanford, that Joel ben Izzy set off to travel the globe, gathering and telling stories.  Since that time he has taught and told stories in some 36 countries around the world. Joel has also produced six award-winning recordings of his stories and is the author of The Beggar King and the Secret of Happiness (Alogonquin,2003), which recounts his own remarkable journey of healing, which has now been translated into 18 languages. In addition to Joel’s performing, teaching, recording and writing, he is one of America’s most sought after story consultants, with clients ranging from technology companies to foundations to Pixar Animation. For more information on Joel see: